
Pierre Noel

Executive Director

Pierre has led the Haiti Development Institute for 12 years, guiding it from its origins as the Haiti Fund at The Boston Foundation through its transition into a registered nonprofit organization in Haiti. Based in Boston but spending significant time on the ground in Haiti, he focuses on institutionalizing HDI, building out its programs, governance, staff, and financial sustainability.

​Pierre has extensive experience in nonprofit management and community development.  Before joining the Haiti Fund, he served as Country Director of FAMILY, Inc. in Haiti, where he led rural grassroots efforts in education, youth, and economic development. He has also served as Project Director for the Worldwide Vincentian Family on a program to support small and medium-sized enterprise development in Haiti. Before devoting his career to development and philanthropy in Haiti, Pierre practiced law in Boston.

Born in Verrette, Haiti, Pierre emigrated to the U.S. as a teen and earned a BA in Political Science from Boston University and a law degree from the University of the District of Columbia School of Law.  Pierre is a graduate of the Monterrey School of International Studies Development Project Management Institute and of the Nonprofit Management and Leadership program at Boston University School of Management.  Pierre is fluent in Haitian Creole and English, and conversant in French.


Reginald Cean

Program Director

Based in Haiti, Reginald is responsible for HDI's organizational capacity building programs.  He also oversees HDI's grant making and grant administration.

Reginald has also served as Executive Director of Zanmi Agrikol, where he led a team of 85 people in designing and delivering community economic development, vocational education, and agricultural programs.  Prior to this, he served as the National Coordinator for MGP, a project aimed at re-establishing agriculture production capacities funded by the USAID Haiti Mission through the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Collaborative Research on Grain Legumes (Legume Innovation Lab [LIL]), managed by Michigan State University (MSU).

​Reginald holds a BA in agricultural sciences and natural resources from EARTH University in Costa Rica and an MBA in non-profit management at Brandeis University with a concentration on social entrepreneurship and impact management.


Liz Fischelis

Director of Philanthropy and Intermediary Programs

Liz supports HDI's work aimed at increasing the amount and effectiveness of philanthropy in Haiti, including organizing platforms for knowledge sharing among funders and development practitioners like the Haiti Funders Conference and supporting HDI's philanthropic advising and grant intermediary services.  Based in Boston, Liz also supports Board operation and leads HDI's fundraising and communications efforts. 

Prior to joining HDI, Liz managed governance and public management initiatives at the Asian Development Bank in Manila, Philippines, and also served as in-house counsel.  She has also worked as proposal development manager for CARE in La Paz, Bolivia.  In her early career, Liz practiced law as an associate at firms in Seattle and Cleveland.

Liz holds a law degree from Northwestern University and a BA in history and economics from Boston College.



Program Director, Kolektif Arcadins

Laurie supports HDI’s work on Kolektif Arcadins, an integrated community development initiative designed to promote transformational change in Arcahaie and other communities along the Arcadins Coast. Based in Boston, Laurie also supports Kolektif programs for young people.

Laurie has extensive experience in nonprofit leadership, strategic planning, program management, and community engagement. Prior to joining HDI, Laurie served as Vice President for International Operations for YouthBuild International. In partnership with young people, community leaders, NGOs, and public/private stakeholders, she co-developed the first YouthBuild programs in The Bahamas, Brazil, Guyana, Haiti, and Iraq. In Haiti, she collaborated with a Haitian NGO on a five-year initiative that served over 9,500 youth through a leadership and livelihoods program.  

Laurie holds an MBA from Simmons University and an MA in international relations from Yale University.


Junior Altidort

Program Officer

Junior manages HDI’s grantmaking and grant administration programs, including data collection for monitoring and evaluating. He is also in charge of planning events under HDI grants and capacity building programs as well as training organized for community members.

Before joining HDI, Junior was an Information Assistant at Cement National (CINA), where he managed information and reporting regarding production.  He also worked at Lafortune Holdings, Inc. as a project evaluator.  Before this Junior worked for FAMILY Inc., where he managed logistics for projects, supervising a team of 12.  He also developed and executed the maintenance and services plan for the organization.

Junior has a degree in Mechanical Engineering at the Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago in the Dominican Republic.  He also has earned certificates in Planning, Elaboration of Project Management / Application MS Project 2007, Technical and Professional Training Center (HAITI TEC) and Management of Development Projects. (United Nations Development Program, www.edx.org)


Jhonny Aristene

Program Coordinator, Arcahaie Community Center and Youth Programs

Jhonny is responsible for coordinating all programs at HDI’s new community center in Arcahaie, including developing and delivering youth programming. He is also responsible for HDI’s youth programming, including its partnership with the Global Opportunity Youth Network and other youth initiatives. Jhonny led the development of HDI’s first Youth Advisory Group, providing an opportunity for young people in Arcahaie to develop their leadership skills and to organize volunteer initiatives to improve and strengthen their own communities.

Jhonny earned a Bachelor's degree in financial management from the University of Abomey-Calavi, in the Republic of Benin, West Africa and is certified in project development and management.


Morin Auremil

Agriculture and Commercial Development Coach

Based in the Grand Sud, Morin serves as an agricultural and business advisor, enhancing the capacity of HDI’s grantees and partner organizations that work in agribusiness. Morin is an agronomist with both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture from Herman’s Saiz Monte de Oca University, Cuba. He has held roles with NGOs such as FONHSUD and AGRER. Morin has also worked as a full professor teaching soil conservation, agronomy, agroecology, general ecology, rural economy, fruit growing, nursery techniques, and environmental economics at several universities in the southern department (UNDH/AUC/Universite Metropole/Universite Lumiere/UPH/ESDEC).


Jemima Cean

Program Officer

Jemima manages HDI’s human resources and supports capacity building programs supporting organizations to improve their efficiency and effectiveness through training and coaching in governance and leadership, human resources and strategic planning.

Jemima earned a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago in the Dominican Republic and completed an online certificate from  IESE Business School- University of Navarra in Human Resource Management and Team Leadership.

Prior to HDI, Jemima was a translator for the Famvin Homeless Alliance (FHA), a Vincentian Family Project administered by DePaul. She has volunteered at Beyond Borders as part of the project Tèt Ansanm Kont Lamizè (TAKL), where she transcribed recorded interviews conducted with Haitians about their perspectives on economic and social inclusion. 


Frantz Huguens Guy Charles

Logistics Assistant

Frantz is a graduate of Ecole Nationale des Arts.  Prior to joining HDI he served in similar positions with SOFIDES as a messenger and logistics officer for several years.  He then served as manager of Maximum Hotel in Port-au-Prince providing hospitality services managing inventory and supervising hotel staff.  Frantz currently supports the HDI office and manages the guest house in Arcahaie.


Stenley Dupre

Communications Content Creator

Stenley creates digital and audiovisual content for HDI and assists in creation of the same for partner organizations. He studied cinematography at Ciné Institute, where he received certificates in Digital Marketing (Google Ateliers Numérique, Rennes) and in Social Media Marketing (E-Marketing Institute).

Stanley has previously worked as an editor at Canal Bleu television channel and as a freelancer on many audiovisual projects with OXFAM, USAID, GHESKIO Center, Conversation Essenti'Elles and the Unité de Lutte Contre la Corruption (ULCC). He is also Principal Producer of the Television programs Economic Education with the economist Etzer Emile on Radio Television Caribbean (RTVC).


Marie Sabrina Lazarre

Program Associate

Sabrina holds a degree in law and before joining HDI worked at a law firm. As a Program Associate at HDI, she assists our partner organizations in drafting legal, governance and administrative documents as well as in preparing external communications materials to convey their work and impact in their community.


MaÏté Maurice

Program Associate

Maïté holds a master's degree in education and a bachelor's degree in business administration. She has over 10 years' professional experience in finance and administration. She taught for 5 years at the Université Roi Henri Christophe and the Université Collégiale des Sciences et Techniques d'Haïti (Cap Haïtien). She supports HDI’s partners and grantee organizations in the South and Nippes to strengthen their financial management systems.


Rita Necker

Operations Associate

Rita supports the operation of HDI’s office in Arcahaie. She holds a degree in computer science from the Center for Research in Computer Science and Management in Port au Prince.  Rita also provides helpdesk support and network management for HDI. Before joining HDI, she worked as a volunteer network professional at JUPED Haiti.


Marie-Daniele Noel

Program Associate

Marie Daniele Noel joins the HDI team as an intern. She will assist the program and coaching staff in the South to support grantees and organization partners. Marie holds a Bachelor's degree in Administrative Sciences from UPSAC University in Les Cayes. Before joining HDI, she worked as a secretary and sales manager at New Tech. She is a tutor at UPSAC University, where she accompanies students.


Mary Claret Orestil

Community Liaison Officer 

Claret manages HDI’s community relations in our headquarters city of Arcahaie, supporting development of partnerships with the Mayors office, school district and other local government institutions as well as with private sector associations and civil society organizations. He also plays a key role in managing HDI’s civic engagement and community mobilization activities. Claret holds a degree in law from the Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Economiques des Gonaïves and is an accomplished professor who has taught subjects including French, literary culture, and philosophy. Before his current role in HDI, Claret served as general secretary for ECODA, a network of Arcadins area civil society organizations.


Ricardo Petiton

Program Associate

Ricardo provides support to HDI’s grantees and capacity building program organizations working in agriculture and environment, providing training and coaching in documentation and fieldwork to enhance their operational structures. Ricardo has a specialization in Natural Resources, Environment, and Regional Planning from the State University of Haiti - Campus Henry Christophe de Limonade. Ricardo’s past professional experiences include roles with USAID/Open Street Map, USAID/Avanse and Zanmi Agrikol, as well as coordinating a project for the city of Limonade. Ricardo has attended seminars on food security, climate change, and biodiversity preservation to further his expertise.


Jacky Poteau

Partnerships and Engagement Manager

Dividing his time between Boston and Haiti, Jacky oversees the development of HDI's civic leadership portfolio.  Previously, he was Program Coordinator of HDI, where he helped conceive and design components of HDI’s capacity building program for community-based organizations.

Before joining HDI, Jacky served as President and Executive Director of FATEM (Foundation for the Technological and Economic Advancement of Mirebalais), a Boston-based nonprofit working to improve education and economic opportunities in Mirebalais, Haiti. He has also served as Executive Director of 1000 Jobs/Haiti, a Rhode Island-based 501(c)(3) organization with the mission of creating sustainable and decent jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities in Haiti's Central Plateau region.

Jacky holds a Master’s Degree in Health and Medical Informatics from Brandeis University and a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Boston University.


Fridelyn Sylfrard

Program Associate

Fridelyn, an agronomist, earned his bachelor's degree from EARTH University in Costa Rica in 2016. Between 2011-2012, he received training in plant nursing and soil conservation at FAIM in Limbe, Haiti. Driven by his passion for agriculture, Fridelyn volunteered in various areas, including agricultural education, legume and sorghum production, and biogas systems. He manages his own farm, where he practices diverse agricultural methods. Additionally, he works with HDI to support small beneficiary organizations in agriculture, the environment, and livestock. All his endeavors aim to further Haiti's development.


Jean Rubens Talleyrand


Rubens manages financial accounting and reporting for HDI.  Prior to coming to HDI, Rubens worked as an Accountant at FINCA S.A, and as an Accountant and Financial Assessor at SOS Children's Village in Turgeau.  He also worked at Cabinet Nerette & Associates, an accounting firm, as a junior auditor. Additionally, Rubens worked at Public Company of Promotion and Social Housing (EPPLS) as Assistant Chief Controller and then as Treasurer, and at CA17 International, as Accountant.

Rubens graduated from André Laroche Business School and the University of Port-au-Prince (IGC) with degrees in Accounting. He also obtained a Certificate of Management in Project Development from IDBx.  He has a background in taxation and in the development of a new concept called Farmer Field School (CEP).


Sophonie Xavier

Accounting Associate

Sophonie supports HDI’s financial management and also contributes her expertise to the capacity building program by coaching organizations in finance, microcredit and administration. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Administration with a specialization in Management Accounting, Business Management and Microfinance from Quisqueya University. In addition, she holds a diploma in secretarial studies from Centro de Tecnologia Universal (CENTU) in the Dominican Republic. Before joining HDI, she accumulated two years of experience as an administrative assistant at Centre de Formation et d’Encadrement Technique (CFET).


Dr. Riché C. Zamor, Sr.

Senior Advisor, Special Projects

Following his retirement as HDI’s Operations Manager overseeing office operations, finance and administration, Riché continues to support special projects and provide advice as needed. Riché returned to Haiti after a 30 year career in the US in management and consulting for public sector systems of health care and human services. Riché worked as Executive Director of Healing Hands for Haiti; President/CEO of Fondwa University (UNIF) in Haiti; Community Center Director at Catholic Charities, Executive Director, Professional Resources Division at the Latin American Health Institute, Project Officer at Brandeis University Access project, Program Manager at the Medical Foundation and Community Advocate at the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. He was also an adjunct professor at Tufts University School of Medicine Department of Public Health and Family Medicine and Suffolk University, Sawyer School, Center for Public Management.

Additional Staff


Jean Ronald Chéry, Operations Associate


Sandra Dorceus, Housekeeper (office)


Aliette Fleuradin, Housekeeper (guesthouse)

Moise smiling.JPG

Moise Joseph, Driver

Myrlande Sterling, Cook